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Thym Sauvage BIO Baba Bahri

B. a-ba version Baba Bahri, to better understand the thyme, this incredible plant and staple of the mediterranean culture !

Mediterranean by nature    

Thyme, Zaatar in tunisian or Thymus in latin, is a plant that belongs to the family Lamiacea. And this is a large family ! Lavender, oregano, and thyme are all part of the great family Lamiacea. The Lamiacea, and therefore the thyme, are plants adapted to drought, rather herbaceous, and especially of the aromatic plants are very popular with bees. And, finally, by us, to the Men ! Since ancient times, would you believe that one uses the thyme for cooking, cosmetics, but also thearomatherapy and the herbal medicine. This is crazy ! 🙂 A good way to identify an aromatic plant, is hurting the leaves between your thumb and index finger. A good smell emerges instantly. Thyme is a plant typical of the mediterranean regions because it grows naturally. And besides, it is in the garrigues of Mediterranean that thyme has the highest concentrations of essential oil. It is enough to have a walk in certain areas to a powerful fragrance is required, moreover, we...

The essential oil what is it ?

The essential oil that is used by the plant to survive the aridity and the summer heat of the mediterranean climate. The hotter it gets the more it produces the essential oil. And vice versa. It is for this reason that the wild thyme is rich in essential oil, the thyme in the culture ! We can say that the essential oil, it is also the essence distilled from the aromatic plant. This is an extract of the plant in liquid form, and especially in a concentrated form, and whose virtues are many.

The game of 7 families

There are several sub-species of Thyme. Each sub-species is determined by the chemical profile of its essential oil. An essential oil is composed of a hundred of molecules that are said to terpene and aromatic and who have active properties, in particular for the health. There are up to 7 different varieties for the Thyme : Thymol, Carvacrol, Linanol, Thuyanol, Alpha-Terpineol, Geraniol, Paracymène. Each variety has a different concentration for each of these molecules, but often a higher concentration in one of them. The geographical area of origin, the composition of the soil and climate are all factors that influence the profile of the Thyme.

Thyme Carvacrol

The thyme Carvacrol that is part of our thyme, Thymus Capitatus is thyme, which is specific areas that are very hot and arid areas of the Mediterranean. Its flowers are pink, purple and it has a smell stronger than the other varieties of thyme type Thymol. To taste, thyme, Carvacrol, is slightly peppery and persistent in the mouth. It is less known and marketed as the thyme Thymol, but oh so delicious ! Side benefits of the thyme Carvacrol is just as powerful with antibacterial, anti-infectious, but also many virtues, digestive and respiratory.

To learn more about its properties and uses, please visit soon for our next article ! 😉

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